Search results in Quantum Physics from PIRSA
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Some applications of Causal Inference in the real world
Ciaran Lee Spotify (London)
Half-Trek Criterion for Identifiability of Latent Variable Models
Mathias Drton Technical University Munich
Certifying long-range quantum correlations through routed Bell experiments
Stefano Pironio Université Libre de Bruxelles
SDP approaches for quantum polynomial optimization
Laurens Ligthart Universität zu Köln
Is causal optimization polynomial optimization?
David Gross Universität zu Köln
Latent variable justifies the stronger instrumental variable bounds
Richard Guo University of Cambridge
Quantum entropic causal inference
Zubin Jacob Purdue University
Vaneet Aggarwal Purdue University
Bounding counterfactual distributions in discrete structural causal models
Jin Tian Iowa State University
A quantum tale of causes and effects
Rafael Chaves Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
- Rafael Chaves
Causal decompositions of unitary maps
Robin Lorenz Quantinuum
Every unitary map with a factorisation of domain and codomain into subsystems has a well-defined causal structure given by the set of influence relations between its input and output subsystems. A causal decomposition of a unitary map U is, roughly, one that makes all there is to know about U in terms of causal structure evident and understandable in compositional terms. We'll argue that this is more than just about drawing more intuitive pictures for the causal structure of U -- it is about really understanding it at all. Now, it has been known for a while that decompositions in terms of ordinary circuit diagrams do not suffice to this end and that at least so called 'extended circuit diagrams', or 'routed circuit diagrams' are necessary, revealing a close connection between causal structure and algebraic structures that involve a particular interplay of direct sum and tensor product. Though whether or not these sorts of routed circuit diagrams suffice has been an open question since. I will give an introduction and overview of this business of causal decompositions of unitary maps, and share what is an on-going thriller.
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Errors from Dynamical Structural Instabilities of Floquet Maps in Quantum Simulation
Karthik Chinni Polytechnique Montreal
We study the behavior of errors in the quantum simulation of spin systems with long-range multibody interactions resulting from the Trotter-Suzuki decomposition of the time evolution operator. We identify a regime where the Floquet operator underlying the Trotter decomposition undergoes sharp changes even for small variations in the simulation step size. This results in a time evolution operator that is very different from the dynamics generated by the targeted Hamiltonian, which leads to a proliferation of errors in the quantum simulation. These regions of sharp change in the Floquet operator, referred to as structural instability regions, appear typically at intermediate Trotter step sizes and in the weakly interacting regime, and are thus complementary to recently revealed quantum chaotic regimes of the Trotterized evolution [L. M. Sieberer et al. npj Quantum Inf. 5, 78 (2019); M. Heyl, P. Hauke, and P. Zoller, Sci. Adv. 5, eaau8342 (2019)]. We characterize these structural instability regimes in p-spin models, transverse-field Ising models with all-to-all p-body interactions, and analytically predict their occurrence based on unitary perturbation theory. We further show that the effective Hamiltonian associated with the Trotter decomposition of the unitary time-evolution operator, when the Trotter step size is chosen to be in the structural instability region, is very different from the target Hamiltonian, which explains the large errors that can occur in the simulation in the regions of instability. These results have implications for the reliability of near-term gate based quantum simulators, and reveal an important interplay between errors and the physical properties of the system being simulated.
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Some applications of Causal Inference in the real world
Ciaran Lee Spotify (London)
Causal reasoning is vital for effective reasoning in many domains, from healthcare to economics. In medical diagnosis, for example, a doctor aims to explain a patient’s symptoms by determining the diseases causing them. This is because causal relations, unlike correlations, allow one to reason about the consequences of possible treatments and to answer counterfactual queries. In this talk I will present two recent causal inference projects done with my collaborators deriving new algorithms to solve problems that arise when applying causal inference in the real world. -
Half-Trek Criterion for Identifiability of Latent Variable Models
Mathias Drton Technical University Munich
"Linear structural equation models relate random variables of interest via a linear equation system that features stochastic noise. The models are naturally represented by directed graphs whose edges indicate non-zero coefficients in the linear equations. In this talk I will report on progress on combinatorial conditions for parameter identifiability in models with latent (i.e., unobserved) variables. Identifiability holds if the coefficients associated with the edges of the graph can be uniquely recovered from the covariance matrix they define. Paper: or" -
Certifying long-range quantum correlations through routed Bell experiments
Stefano Pironio Université Libre de Bruxelles
In a recent paper, Chaturvedi et al considered the interesting idea of routed Bell experiments. These are Bell experiments where Bob can measure his quantum particles at two distinct locations, one close to the source and another far away. This can be accomplished in the lab by using a switch that directs Bob's quantum particle either to the nearby measurement device or to the distant one, depending on a classical input chosen by Bob. Chaturvedi et al argue that there exists in such experiments a tradeoff between short-range and long-range correlations and that high-quality CHSH tests close to the source (which are achievable with current technology) lower the requirements for witnessing nonlocality faraway from the source, and in particular increase their tolerance to particle losses. We critically review their results and present a simple counterexample to it. We then introduce a class of hybrid quantum-classical models, which we refer to as "short-range quantum models". These models suitably capture the tradeoff between short-range and long-range correlations in routed Bell experiments. Using our definition, we explore new nonlocal tests in which high-quality short-range correlations lead to weakened conditions for long-range tests. Although we do find improvements, they are significantly smaller than those claimed by CVP. -
SDP approaches for quantum polynomial optimization
Laurens Ligthart Universität zu Köln
"Many relevant tasks in Quantum Information processing can be expressed as polynomial optimization problems over states and operators. In the earlier talk by David, we saw that this is also the case for certain (quantum) causal compatibility and causal optimization problems. This talk will focus on several closely related semidefinite programming (SDP) hierarchies that have recently been shown to be complete for such polynomial optimization problems [arxiv:2110.14659, 2212.11299, 2301.12513]. We give a high-level overview of the techniques and mathematics that are needed for proving such statements. In particular, we will see a version of a Quantum De Finetti theorem, as well as a sketch of a constructive proof of convergence for the SDP hierarchies. Afterwards, these results are linked back to the causal compatibility problem to conclude that such SDP hierarchies are complete for a certain type of causal structures known as tree networks." -
Is causal optimization polynomial optimization?
David Gross Universität zu Köln
"Is there a complete semi-definite programming hierarchy for quantum causal problems? We divide the question into two parts. First: Can quantum causal problems be expressed as polynomial optimization problems (this talk). Second: Can this class of polynomial optimizations be solved by means of SDPs (Laurens' talk). The optimizations we consider here are ""polynomial"" in two ways. They are over the unknown observable algebra of the hidden systems, which are specified by non-commutative polynomials in a set of generators. But they also involve independence constraints, which are commutative polynomials in the state. A hierarchy of such polynomial tests is complete if one can construct a quantum model for any observed distribution that passes all of them. We've recently had some success in finding such constructions, but also ran into problems in the general case [1, 2]. I give a high-level presentation of the state of the play. [1] [2]" -
Latent variable justifies the stronger instrumental variable bounds
Richard Guo University of Cambridge
For binary instrumental variable models, there seems to be a long-standing gap between two sets of bounds on the average treatment effect: the stronger Balke–Pearl ("sharp") bounds versus the weaker Robins–Manski ("natural") bounds. In the literature, the Balke–Pearl bounds are typically derived under stronger assumptions, i.e., either individual exclusion or joint exogeneity, which are untestable cross-world statements, while the natural bounds only require testable assumptions. In this talk, I show that the stronger bounds are justified by the existence of a latent confounder. In fact, the Balke–Pearl bounds are sharp under latent confounding and stochastic exclusion. The "secret sauce" that closes this gap is a set of CHSH-type inequalities that generalize Bell's (1964) inequality. -
Quantum entropic causal inference
Zubin Jacob Purdue University
Vaneet Aggarwal Purdue University
The class of problems in causal inference which seeks to isolate causal correlations solely from observational data even without interventions has come to the forefront of machine learning, neuroscience and social sciences. As new large scale quantum systems go online, it opens interesting questions of whether a quantum framework exists on isolating causal correlations without any interventions on a quantum system. We put forth a theoretical framework for merging quantum information science and causal inference by exploiting entropic principles. At the root of our approach is the proposition that the true causal direction minimizes the entropy of exogenous variables in a non-local hidden variable theory. The proposed framework uses a quantum causal structural equation model to build the connection between two fields: entropic causal inference and the quantum marginal problem. First, inspired by the definition of geometric quantum discord, we fill the gap between classical and quantum conditional density matrices to define quantum causal models. Subsequently, using a greedy approach, we develop a scalable algorithm for quantum entropic causal inference unifying classical and quantum causality in a principled way. We apply our proposed algorithm to an experimentally relevant scenario of identifying the subsystem impacted by noise starting from an entangled state. This successful inference on a synthetic quantum dataset can have practical applications in identifying originators of malicious activity on future multi-node quantum networks as well as quantum error correction. As quantum datasets and systems grow in complexity, our framework can play a foundational role in bringing observational causal inference from the classical to the quantum domain. -
Bounding counterfactual distributions in discrete structural causal models
Jin Tian Iowa State University
We investigate the problem of bounding counterfactual queries from an arbitrary collection of observational and experimental distributions and qualitative knowledge about the underlying data-generating model represented in the form of a causal diagram. We show that all counterfactual distributions in an arbitrary structural causal model (SCM) with finite discrete endogenous variables could be generated by a family of SCMs with the same causal diagram where unobserved (exogenous) variables are discrete with a finite domain. Utilizing this family of SCMs, we translate the problem of bounding counterfactuals into that of polynomial programming whose solution provides optimal bounds for the counterfactual query. -
A quantum tale of causes and effects
Rafael Chaves Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
- Rafael Chaves
Explaining the natural world through cause-and-effect relations is the fundamental principle of science. Although a classical theory of causality has been recently introduced, enabling us to model causation across diverse research fields, it is crucial to examine which aspects of it require modification or abandonment to also comprehend causality in the quantum world. To address this question, we will investigate paradigmatic scenarios, including the double slit, Bell's theorem and generalizations to quantum networks, also exploring recent experimental advancements. -