Search results in Quantum Physics from PIRSA
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A real ensemble interpretation of quantum mechanics
Lee Smolin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Beyond bosons and fermions: how to detect and use anyons
Dmitri Feldman Brown University
Entanglement spectrum and boundary theories with projected entangled-pair states
Ignacio Cirac Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI)
Elucidating the quantum measurement problem
Theo Nieuwenhuizen Universiteit van Amsterdam
On the logical complexity of tiny heat engines -- and whether they can really be reversible
Dominik Janzing Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Upper and lower bounds on the quantum violation of tripartite Bell correlation inequalities
Thomas Vidick Weizmann Institute of Science
Relativistic Quantum (Im)Possibilities
Adrian Kent University of Cambridge
From operational axioms to quantum theory - and beyond?
Markus Müller Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) - Vienna
Quantum Mechanics with Extended Probabilities
James Hartle University of California, Santa Barbara
Timelike entanglement in the quantum vacuum
Stephan 'Jay' Olson University of Queensland
A real ensemble interpretation of quantum mechanics
Lee Smolin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
A new ensemble interpretation of quantum mechanics is proposed according to which the ensemble associated to a quantum state really exists: it is the ensemble of all the systems in the same quantum state in the universe. Individual systems within the ensemble have microscopic states, described by beables. The probabilities of quantum theory turn out to be just ordinary relative frequencies probabilities in these ensembles. Laws for the evolution of the beables of individual systems are given such that their ensemble relative frequencies evolve in a way that reproduces the predictions of quantum mechanics. These laws are highly non-local and involve a new kind of interaction between the members of an ensemble that define a quantum state. These include a stochastic process by which individual systems copy the beables of other systems in the ensembles of which they are a member. The probabilities for these copy processes do not depend on where the systems are in space, but do depend on the distribution of beables in the ensemble. Macroscopic systems then are distinguished by being large and complex enough that they have no copies in the universe. They then cannot evolve by the copy law, and hence do not evolve stochastically according to quantum dynamics. This implies novel departures from quantum mechanics for systems in quantum states that can be expected to have few copies in the universe. At the same time, we are able to argue that the centre of masses of large macroscopic systems do satisfy Newton's laws. -
Beyond bosons and fermions: how to detect and use anyons
Dmitri Feldman Brown University
One of the key features of the quantum Hall effect (QHE) is the fractional charge and statistics of quasiparticles. Fractionally charged anyons accumulate non-trivial phases when they encircle each other. In some QHE systems an unusual type of particles, called non-Abelian anyons, is expected to exist. When one non-Abelian particle makes a circle around another anyon this changes not only the phase but even the direction of the quantum-state vector in the Hilbert space. This property makes non-Abelian anyons promising for fault-tolerant quantum computation. Several experiments allowed an observation of fractional charges. Probing exchange statistics is more difficult and has not been accomplished for identical anyons so far. We will discuss how the statistics can be probed with Mach-Zehnder interferometry, tunneling experiments and far-from-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation theorem. -
Anyonic Statistics, Quantum Configuration Spaces, and Diffeomorphism Group Representations
Gerald Goldin Rutgers University
We begin with a fundamental approach to quantum mechanics based on the unitary representations of the group of diffeomorphisms of physical space (and correspondingly, self-adjoint representations of a local current algebra). From these, various classes of quantum configuration spaces arise naturally. One obtains in addition the usual exchange statistics for spatial dimension d >2, induced by representations of the symmetric group, while for d = 2, the approach led to an early prediction of intermediate or âÂÂanyonicâ statistics induced by unitary representations of the braid group. After reviewing these ideas, which are based on joint work with R. Menikoff and D. H. Sharp at Los Alamos National Laboratory, we shall discuss briefly some analogous possibilities for infinite-dimensional configuration spaces, including anyonic statistics for extended objects in 3-dimensional space. -
Entanglement spectrum and boundary theories with projected entangled-pair states
Ignacio Cirac Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI)
In many physical scenarios, close relations between the bulk properties of quantum systems and theories associated to their boundaries have been observed. In this work, we provide an exact duality mapping between the bulk of a quantum spin system and its boundary using Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS). This duality associates to every region a Hamiltonian on its boundary, in such a way that the entanglement spectrum of the bulk corresponds to the excitation spectrum of the boundary Hamiltonian. We study various specific models, like a deformed AKLT , an Ising-type , and Kitaev's toric code, both in finite ladders and infinite square lattices. In the latter case, some of those models display quantum phase transitions. We find that a gapped bulk phase with local order corresponds to a boundary Hamiltonian with local interactions, whereas critical behavior in the bulk is reflected on a diverging interaction length of the boundary Hamiltonian. Furthermore, topologically ordered states yield non-local Hamiltonians. As our duality also associates a boundary operator to any operator in the bulk, it in fact provides a full holographic framework for the study of quantum many-body systems via their boundary. Work done in collaboration with Didier Poilblanc, Norbert Schuch, and Frank Verstraete. -
Elucidating the quantum measurement problem
Theo Nieuwenhuizen Universiteit van Amsterdam
Ideal measurements are described in quantum mechanics textbooks by two postulates: the collapse of the wave packet and BornâÂÂs rule for the probabilities of outcomes. The quantum evolution of a system then has two components: a unitary (Hamiltonian) evolution in between measurements and non-unitary one when a measurement is performed. This situation was considered to be unsatisfactory by many people, including Einstein, Bohr, de Broglie, von Neumann and Wigner, but has remained unsolved to date. The quantum measurement problem, that is, understanding why a unique outcome is obtained in each individual run of an experiment, is tackled by solving a Hamiltonian model within standard quantum statistical mechanics. The model describes the measurement of the z-component of a spin through interaction with a magnetic memory. The latter apparatus is modeled by a CurieâÂÂWeiss magnet having N â« 1 spins weakly coupled to a phonon bath. The Hamiltonian evolution exhibits several time scales. The reduction, a rapid decay of the off-diagonal blocks of the systemâÂÂapparatus density matrix, arises from the many degrees of freedom of the pointer (the magnetization). The registration occurs due to a phase transition from the initial metastable state to one of the final stable states triggered by the tested system. It yields a stationary state in which the apparatus and the system are correlated. Under proper conditions the process satisfies all the features of ideal measurements, including collapse and BornâÂÂs rule. As usual, irreversibility is ensured by the macroscopic size of the apparatus, in particular by the large value of N. Nothing else than the usual quantum statistical mechanics and Schro ÃÂdinger equation is needed, and the results support a specified version of the statistical interpretation. The solution of the quantum measurement problem requires a combination of the reduction and the registration, the properties of which arise from the irreversible dynamics. -
On the logical complexity of tiny heat engines -- and whether they can really be reversible
Dominik Janzing Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
I consider systems that consist of a few hot and a few cold two-level systems and define heat engines as unitaries that extract energy. These unitaries perform logical operations whose complexity depends on both the desired efficiency and the temperature quotient. I show cases where the optimal heat engine solves a hard computational task (e.g. an NP-hard problem) [2]. Heat engines can also drive refrigerators and use the temperature difference between two systems for cooling a third one. I argue that these triples of systems define a classification of thermodynamic resources [1]. All the above assumes that unitaries are implemented by an external controller. To get a thermodynamically reversible process, the joint process on system and controller must be reversible. Then, the implementation of the joint process requires a "meta-controller", and so on. To study thermodynamic limits without such an infinite sequence of controllers, I introduce the model of "physically universal cellular automata", in which the boundary between system and controller can be shifted (in analogy to the Heisenberg-cut for the quantum measurement problem). I show that this model raises a lot of fundamental questions [3]. Literature: [1] Janzing et al: Thermodynamic cost of reliability and low temperatures: Tightening Landauer's principle and the second law, J. Stat. Phys. 2000 [2] Janzing: On the computation power of molecular heat engines, J. Stat. Phys. 2006 [3] Janzing: Is there a physically universal cellular automaton or Hamiltonian? arXiv:1009.1720 -
Upper and lower bounds on the quantum violation of tripartite Bell correlation inequalities
Thomas Vidick Weizmann Institute of Science
Two-party Bell correlation inequalities (that is, inequalities involving only correlations between dichotomic observables at each site, such as the CHSH inequality) are well-understood: Grothendieck's inequality stipulates that the quantum bias can only be a constant factor larger than the classical bias, and the maximally entangled state is always the most nonlocal resource. In part due to the complex nature of multipartite entanglement, tripartite inequalities are much more unwieldy. In a recent breakthrough result, Perez-Garcia et. al. (quant-ph/0702189) showed using tools originating from the study of operator algebras that in this setting the quantum-classical violation could be arbitrarily large. Moreover, they showed that GHZ states could only lead to bounded violations, so that they were not the most non-local states. We extend and simplify their results in a number of ways: - We show that large families of states, including generalizations of GHZ states and stabilizer states, can only lead to bounded violations. - We prove bounds on the maximal quantum-classical violation as a function both of the local dimension (this was already shown in Perez-Garcia et. al., but we give a much simpler proof), and of the number of settings per site. - We provide a simple probabilistic construction of an inequality for which there is an unbounded quantum-classical gap. Our construction is simpler, and has better parameters, than the one in Perez-Garcia It is essentially optimal in terms of the local dimension of one of the parties, and off by a quadratic factor in terms of the number of settings. In this talk I will survey some of these results, focusing on the tools that have so far been useful for their analysis (and do not involve operator algebras!). Based on joint works with Jop Briet, Harry Buhrman, and Troy Lee. Some of this work is available at arXiv:0911.4007. -
Relativistic Quantum (Im)Possibilities
Adrian Kent University of Cambridge
Many fundamental results in quantum foundations and quantum information theory can be framed in terms of information-theoretic tasks that are provably (im)possible in quantum mechanics but not in classical mechanics. For example, Bell's theorem, the no-cloning and no-broadcasting theorems, quantum key distribution and quantum teleportation can all naturally be described in this way. More generally, quantum cryptography, quantum communication and quantum computing all rely on intrinsically quantum information-theoretic advantages. Much less attention has been paid to the information-theoretic power of relativistic quantum theory, although it appears to describe nature better than quantum mechanics. This talk describes some simple information-theoretic tasks that distinguish relativistic quantum theory from quantum mechanics and relativistic classical physics, and a general framework for defining tasks that includes all previously known (im)possibility theorems and raises many open questions. This suggests a new way of thinking about relativistic quantum theory, and a possible new approach to defining non-trivial relativistic quantum theories rigorously. I also describe some simple and surprisingly powerful applications of these ideas to cryptography, including a new secure scheme for simultaneously committing to and encrypting a prediction and ways of securely "tagging" an inaccessible object so as to guarantee its position. -
From operational axioms to quantum theory - and beyond?
Markus Müller Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) - Vienna
Usually, quantum theory (QT) is introduced by giving a list of abstract mathematical postulates, including the Hilbert space formalism and the Born rule. Even though the result is mathematically sound and in perfect agreement with experiment, there remains the question of why this formalism is a natural choice, and how QT could possibly be modified in a consistent way. My talk is on recent work with Lluis Masanes, where we show that five simple operational axioms actually determine the formalism of QT uniquely. This is based to a large extent on Lucien Hardy's seminal work. We start with the framework of "general probabilistic theories", a simple, minimal mathematical description for outcome probabilities of measurements. Then, we use group theory and convex geometry to show that the state space of a bit must be a 3D (Bloch) ball, finally recovering the Hilbert space formalism. There will also be some speculation on how to find natural post-quantum theories by dropping one of the axioms. -
Quantum Mechanics with Extended Probabilities
James Hartle University of California, Santa Barbara
We present a new formulation of quantum mechanics for closed systems like the universe using an extension of familiar probability theory that incorporates negative probabilities. Probabilities must be positive for alternative histories that are the basis of settleable bets. However, quantum mechanics describes alternative histories are not the basis for settleable bets as in the two-slit experiment. These alternatives can be assigned extended probabilities that are sometimes negative. We will compare this with the decoherent (consistent) histories formulation of quantum theory. The prospects for using this formulation as a starting point for testable alternatives to quantum theory or further generalizations of it will be briefly discussed. -
Timelike entanglement in the quantum vacuum
Stephan 'Jay' Olson University of Queensland
For quantum fields with m=0, it is pointed out that timelike separated fields are quantized as independent subsystems. This allows us to ask the question of whether the field in the future region is entangled with the field in the past region of Minkowski space, in the Minkowski vacuum state. I will show that the answer is "yes," and then explore some consequences, including a thermal effect and a procedure for extracting the timelike entanglement with two inertial Unruh-DeWitt detectors.