Search results in Mathematical Physics from PIRSA
637 - 648 of 842 Results
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Spectral Action Models of Gravity and Packed Swiss Cheese Cosmology
Matilde Marcolli University of Toronto
The standard model of particle physics as a non-commutative differential graded algebra
Latham Boyle University of Edinburgh
The classification of well behaved simple C*-algebras
George Elliott University of Toronto
Nonassociative geometry, Hom-associative algebras, and cyclic homology
Mohammad Hassanzadeh University of Windsor
Holographic entanglement entropy
Robert Myers Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Mathematica School Lecture - 2015
Nikolay Gromov King's College London
Mathematica School Lecture - 2015
Horacio Casini Bariloche Atomic Centre
Mathematica, tensor networks, MERA and entanglement
Wilke van der Schee European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)