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Bound state corrections and high-energy scattering
Ryan Plestid California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Quantum Sensing with Diamonds for Dark Matter Detection
Reza Ebadi University of Maryland
Open Quantum Dynamics with Nonlinearly Realized Symmetries.
Jury Radkovski Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Laser Excitation of the Th-229 Nucleus - Towards a Nuclear Clock
Johannes Tiedau -
Science Capabilities of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory
Dave Kieda University of Utah
A 3d integrable field theory with 2-Kac-Moody algebra symmetry (Virtual)
Hank Chen University of Waterloo
Higher dimensional Segal—Sugawara construction and fivebranes
Brian Williams Boston University
Double groupoids and Generalized Kahler structures
Marco Gualtieri -
Vortex lines and dg-shifted Yangians
Tudor Dimofte University of Edinburgh
Magnetic Quivers and Phase Diagrams in 6 dimensions
Amihay Hanany Imperial College London
The Gaudin model in the Deligne category Rep $GL_t$
Leonid Rybnikov -
Quantization of the universal centralizer and central D-modules
Tom Gannon University of California, Los Angeles
Scholarly Writing: Insights, Challenges, and Best Practices – A Panel Discussion for Students and Postdocs
Ben Webster University of Waterloo
Bianca Dittrich Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Matthew Johnson York University
Area metrics: Modified gravity from quantum gravity
Johanna Borissova Perimeter Institute
Surface Operators and Exact Holography
Raquel Izquierdo Garcia Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Beyond the Podium: Strategies for Outreach Presentations
Ashley McCarl Palmer Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Damian Pope Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Bindiya Arora Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
How much entanglement is needed for quantum error correction?
Dongjin Lee Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Article editing workshop - Grad Student Seminar Series
Emily Petroff Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Maya Berger Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
TBA - Quantum Fields & Strings Seminar
Shota Komatsu Princeton University
Stringy Gregory-Laflamme
Marija Tomašević University of Amsterdam
TBA - Quantum Fields & Strings Seminar
Laura Donnay SISSA International School for Advanced Studies
String amplitudes in AdS: an emergent worldsheet picture
Maria Nocchi University of Oxford
The Quantum Mechanics of Spherically Symmetric Causal Diamonds
Temple He California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Cosmological Foundations revisited with Pantheon+
Antonia Seifert Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Viewing the Cosmos Through the Highly Redshifted 21-cm Line
Bobby Pascua McGill University
CMB-HD as a Probe of Dark Matter on Sub-Galactic Scales
Neelima Sehgal Stony Brook University
Probes of cosmic inflation: from the CMB to quantum systems
Emilie Hertig University of Cambridge
The speed of sound in the EFTofLSS
Caio Nascimento University of Washington
Probing Parity in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)
Cyril Creque-Sarbinowski
Resource dependence relations
Yìlè Yīng Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Role of Atomic Structure Calculations: From Fundamental Physics to Technological Advancements
Bindiya Arora Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Symplectic singularities, Phase diagrams, and Magnetic Quivers
Amihay Hanany Imperial College London
Adventures in Flat Holography
Sabrina Pasterski Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Deciphering Gravitational Wave Observations
Stephen Fairhurst Cardiff University
Classical Black Hole Scattering from a World-Line Quantum Field Theory - VIRTUAL
Jan Plefka Humboldt University of Berlin
Deeptech Commercialization through Entrepreneurial Capabilities
Elicia Maine Simon Fraser University (SFU)
From nonlocality transitivity to resource marginal problems and back
Yeong-Cherng Liang National Cheng Kung University
Quantum Foundations SeminarBayesian learning of Causal Structure and Mechanisms with GFlowNets and Variational Bayes
Mizu Nishikawa-Toomey Mila - Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute
s-ordered phase-space correspondences, fermions, and negativities
Ninnat Dangniam Naresuan University
Nonclassicality in correlations without causal order
Ravi Kunjwal Aix-Marseille University
Microscopic Roadmap to a Yao-Lee Spin-Orbital Liquid
Hae-Young Kee University of Toronto
Towards Anderson localisation of light by cold atoms
Robin Kaiser The French National Centre for Scientific Research
Condensation in topological orders and topological holography
Rui Wen University of British Columbia
Non-Hermitian operators in many-body physics
Jacob Barnett University of the Basque Country
Replica topological order in quantum mixed states and quantum error correction
Roger Mong University of Pittsburgh
Black hole spectroscopy
Emanuele Berti Johns Hopkins University - Department of Physics & Astronomy
The Astrophysical Promise of Black Hole Ringdowns
Harrison Siegel Columbia University
Late-time signals from binary black hole mergers
Marina de Amicis -
Forming truncated accretion disks
Gibwa Musoke -
The dynamics of dRGT massive gravity
Jan Kożuszek Imperial College London
Simulating a quantised black hole
Ruth Gregory King's College London
Celestial CFT from Dimensional Reduction of CFT
Leonardo Pipolo de Gioia -
Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity with a Cosmological Constant
Qiaoyin Pan Florida Atlantic University
Quantum Gravity and Black Hole Evaporation
Jonas Neuser Institute for Quantum Gravity, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität
Extending phase spaces at null infinity with the Stueckelberg's trick
Javier Peraza Universidad de la Republica Uruguay
A quantum-themed play & (separately) quantum reservoir computing
Anna Knörr Harvard University
Machine Learning Renormalization Group (VIRTUAL)
Yi-Zhuang You University of California, San Diego
Scaling Limits of Bayesian Inference with Deep Neural Networks
Boris Hanin Princeton University
Measure Transport Perspectives on Sampling, Generative Modeling, and Beyond
Michael Albergo New York University (NYU)
Neural-network quantum states for ultra-cold Fermi gases
Jane Kim Michigan State University (MSU)