Search results from PIRSA
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WMAP 5-year Results: Measurement of f_NL
Eiichiro Komatsu Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik (MPA), Garching
Point Source Contamination of f_NL Estimators
Daniel Babich California Institute of Technology
Secondary Anistropy Contributions to the Bispectrum
Asantha Cooray University of California, Irvine
Probing local non--Gaussianities in CMB within a Bayesian framework
Franz Elsner Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics Munich Germany
Primordial Non-Gaussianities in Kahler Moduli Inflation
Aaron Vincent Queen's University
Scale Dependent Non-Gaussianity in Large-Scale Structure
Marilena LoVerde University of Washington
Imprints of primordial non-gaussianity on large-scale structure
Dragan Huterer University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
WMAP 5-year Results: Implications for Inflation
Eiichiro Komatsu Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik (MPA), Garching
Non-Gaussianities in New Ekpyrotic Cosmology
Evgeny Buchbinder Imperial College London - Department of Physics
Accelerating Universe from Cubic String Field Theory
Liudmila Joukovskaya University of Cambridge
Big Crunch to Big Bang with AdS/CFT
Thomas Hertog Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Quantum Resolution of Cosmological Singularities using AdS/CFT
Ben Craps Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Progress and Puzzles in String Gas Cosmology
Robert Brandenberger McGill University - Department of Physics
A quantum view on locality, realism and information.
Tomasz Paterek Nanyang Technological University - School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Warped extra dimensions and partial compositeness
Brian Batell University of Pittsburgh
Entangling Power of an Expanding Universe
Nicolas Menicucci Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMIT)
Peeking in Ancient Holes and Seeking the Holy Grail
Amber Miller Columbia University
The Imprints of Primordial Non-Gaussianities on Virialized Objects
Olivier Dore National Aeronautics and Space Administration
PIRSA:07110074 -
Exciting Dark Matter
Planck Meets Hubble and Boltzmann: Holographic Quantum Foam and Cosmology
Jack Ng University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Inflation with a Cutoff: Proposals and Problems
Jens Niemeyer University of Würzburg
The quantum origin of the cosmological structure: an arena for quantum gravity phenomenology
Daniel Sudarsky Universidad Nacional Autónoma De Mexico (UNAM)
Emergent dispersion relations --- lessons for quantum gravity
Matt Visser Victoria University of Wellington
Symmetry deformation from quantum relational observables
Florian Girelli University of Waterloo
Probability in the Everett interpretation: state of play
David Wallace University of Southern California
PIRSA:07090062 -
Probability in the Everett Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
David Albert Columbia University
PIRSA:07090071 -
Which many world worries are uniquely quantum?
Max Tegmark Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics
PIRSA:07090063 -
Quasiclassical Realms and Copenhagen Quantum Theory in a Quantum Universe
James Hartle University of California, Santa Barbara
PIRSA:07090064 -
An Experimentalist\'s Perspective on Testing Field Theories with the CMB
Lyman Page Princeton University
Searching for Tensor modes from Inflation
Martin Bucher French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
PIRSA:07090034 -
Recent Gravitational Experiments and their Implications for Particle Physics
Eric Adelberger Washington University in St. Louis
PIRSA:07090036 -
Introduction to quantum foundations (Part 1A)
Jeremy Butterfield University of Cambridge
Introduction to quantum foundations (Part 1B)
Jeremy Butterfield University of Cambridge
Operationalism, hidden variable models, and contextuality (Part 1A)
Robert Spekkens Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Operationalism, hidden variable models, and contextuality (Part 1B)
Robert Spekkens Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Quantum States as Uncertainty, pure and simple. But, Uncertainty about What? (Part 1)
Chris Fuchs University of Massachusetts Boston
Status of the Standard Model
James Wells University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
Introduction to Flux Compactifications
Frederik Denef Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Status of the Standard Model 2
James Wells University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
Introduction to Low Energy Supersymmetry
Nima Arkani-Hamed Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
Introduction to Flux Compactifications
Frederik Denef Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Introduction to Low Energy Supersymmetry 2
Nima Arkani-Hamed Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
Beyond the Standard Model (TeV Physics)
Graham Kribs University of Oregon
Introduction to Low Energy Supersymmetry
Nima Arkani-Hamed Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
Origins and Observations of Primodial Non-Gaussianity - 2008
Origins and Observations of Primodial Non-Gaussianity -
Novel Theories of the Early Universe - 2008
TBC High end workshop being hosted by Justin Khoury and Neil Turok -
Quantum Information Theory in Quantum Gravity - 2007
December 8-10, 2007 Canadian Mathematical Society Meeting, London, Ontario (December 8) Perimeter Institute (December 9,10) There is presently a high level of interest towards quantum information theory, and related fields such as quantum computing and cryptography. While there remain many key issues to overcome, these fields have the potential for far-reaching applications. One set of fundamental applications that has recently emerged is to quantum gravity. There is now a variety of different connections that have been explored. Researchers in this area come from different backgrounds and the primary purpose of the workshop is to meet and learn of each other's work and foster discussions. Some of the connections between quantum gravity and quantum information theory have now risen to a more formal mathematical level. Reflecting this, Day 1 of the workshop (Saturday, December 8) will be held as a Special Session at the Winter 2007 Meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society in London, Ontario ( Seth Lloyd will deliver a plenary address to the CMS Meeting on that day. The schedule of Days 2 and 3 at the Perimeter Institute will allow plenty of time for discussions in an informal setting. Some of the topics we will discuss are: causality and quantum dynamics in quantum gravity, quantum reference frames, topological order in quantum gravity, information bounds and information loss in quantum gravity. -
Young Researchers Conference - 2007
Young Researchers Conference -
The Astrophysics of Near-term Cosmological Observations - 2007
Workshop in place of cosmology seminars -
Effective Models of Quantum Gravity
Effective Models of Quantum Gravity -
Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity 2007
Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity -
Frontiers of Modern Cosmology - 2007
Frontiers in Modern Cosmology -
Quantum Foundations Summer School - 2007
Perimeter Institute hosted some 40 graduate students and 10 postdocs or junior faculty working in all areas of fundamental physics (including particle physics, string theory, cosmology, quantum gravity, quantum information, and other disciplines). Quantum foundations seeks to recognize, analyze, and resolve the conceptual tensions within various frameworks and theories in fundamental physics, where quantum theory is or might be applied, with the aim of developing or replacing existing physical theories. -
Summer School on Particle Physics, Cosmology and Strings - 2007
The Summer School on Particle Physics, Cosmology and Strings is the 5th in an ongoing series offered by Perimeter Institute and PIMS. The summer school is targeted at 40 advanced graduate students in high energy physics with interests in at least one of the research areas of particle physics, cosmology and/or string theory.