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How Wilson lines in AdS redundantly compute CFT correlation functions


Czech, B. (2019). How Wilson lines in AdS redundantly compute CFT correlation functions. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Bartek Czech Tsinghua University

Talk numberPIRSA:19110135
Talk Type Conference


In the AdS/CFT correspondence, global symmetries of the CFT are realized as local symmetries of AdS; this feature underlies the error-correcting property of AdS. I will explain how this allows AdS3 to realize multiple redundant computations of any CFT2 correlation function in the form of networks of Wilson lines. The main motivation is to rigorously define the CFT at a cutoff and study it as a model of computational complexity; in that regard we will find agreement with the holographic "Complexity = Volume" proposal. But the framework might be useful more generally.