Video URL Aspects of Transport in Condensed Matter and Atomic Physics
Massimiliano Di Ventra University of California, San Diego
Source RepositoryPIRSA
Talk Type
Scientific Series
I will discuss some of the most basic questions in fermionic and bosonic transport, such as the conditions for the existence of a steady-state current, its uniqueness, the role of interactions and spin statistics, its entanglement entropy, etc. This will lead me to introduce an alternative viewpoint to conduction - the micro-canonical formalism of transport - which is ideal to study the above issues [1]. I will point out the similarities and differences with the widely used Landauer formalism, and advance a series of predictions that can be verified by loading ultra-cold atoms into artificial optical lattices.[1] M. Di Ventra, Electrical Transport in Nanoscale Systems (Cambridge University Press, 2008).