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Very Light Axigluons and the Top Asymmetry


Krnjaic, G. (2011). Very Light Axigluons and the Top Asymmetry. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Gordan Krnjaic University of Chicago

Talk numberPIRSA:11120063
Source RepositoryPIRSA


Both Tevatron experiments have recently reported an anomalous forward-backward asymmetry in top-antitop production. Their inclusive results are roughly 3 standard deviations larger than the standard model prediction and may be evidence of new physics that couples to the top quark. In this talk, I will present a weakly-coupled light axigluon model (< Mtop) with flavor universal couplings as a possible explanation. Surprisingly,a particle with these properties can generate a large ttbar asymmetry with model-parameters safe from dijet resonance searches, flavor changing neutral currents, and constraints from the Z pole.