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Galilean fields in curved spacetime


Jensen, K. (2014). Galilean fields in curved spacetime. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Kristan Jensen University of Victoria

Talk numberPIRSA:14110045
Source RepositoryPIRSA


 I will discuss various aspects of non-relativistic field theories on a curved, background spacetime. First things first, we need to know what sort of geometry these theories couple to, as well as the symmetries we ought to impose. I will argue that Galilean-invariant theories should be coupled to a form of Newton-Cartan geometry in which one enforces a one-form shift symmetry, which amounts to a covariant version of invariance under Galilean boosts. I will focus on two main applications of this result, namely consequences of these symmetries at nonzero temperature and the relation to warped CFTs.