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Power and Limitations of the QAOA


(2020). Power and Limitations of the QAOA. The Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing.

Adam Bouland (UC Berkeley)
Talk number15412
Source RepositorySimons Institute


I will survey recent works highlighting the power and limitations of the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA). First I will discuss a recent paper of Hastings (arXiv:1905.07047) describing a local classical algorithm which outperforms p=1 QAOA on MAXCUT instances and which matches its performance on MAX-3LIN2. I will also discuss a recent paper of Bravyi, Kliesch, Koeing, and Tang (arXiv:1910.08980) which uses symmetries of the QAOA to prove that it will not outperform the Goemans-Williamson algorithm for MAXCUT for any value of p.